

来源:成都外语学校 发布时间:2012/10/18 17:27:00

  西安——古都西安如今已是拥有800万人口的现代化大都市,在西安市中心,身体局部瘫痪的李建利躺在医院的病床上。李建利颅骨塌陷,只能说几句 “是的”、“谢谢”之类的简单短语。他较近才开始恢复行动和语言能力。李建利的亲属表示,他的恢复过程既缓慢又痛苦,伤情没多少起色。成都英语培训

  XI’AN, China — In the heart of one of China’s famed dynastic capitals, now a modern metropolis of eight million, Li Jianli lay partially paralyzed on a hospital bed with his skull smashed in and his speaking ability reduced to a few simple phrases — “yes,” “thank you” and so on. Only recently has Mr. Li begun to regain his ability to move and talk. The recovery has been slow and painful and tenuous, his relatives said.


  Then there is the emotional trauma. When Mr. Li was asked on a recent afternoon to talk about the events that led to his hospitalization, his wife quickly stepped in to change the topic. “Even now, when he talks at length about the events of that day, he gets upset and begins to cry,” she said later in the hallway. She asked to be identified only as Ms. Wang.


  What happened to Mr. Li, 51, was the ugliest known episode among anti-Japanese protests that convulsed cities in China last month after a longstanding dispute over an island chain erupted into fury. Mr. Li’s only offense, apparently, was driving a Japanese car. He ended up the victim of a mob that stopped the car on a wide boulevard in the middle of Xi’an.


  Now, even as anti-Japanese sentiment remains strong, Mr. Li has become a symbol for many Chinese of what can go wrong when latent nationalism spins out of control.


  “These protests could be a very important turning point in China’s democratic politics,” Bai Yansong, a prominent commentator on state television, said on his program, “1+1.” “Just because you have a just cause doesn’t mean that the process can be illegal.”


  He added, “They’re using the outer clothing of patriotism, but in fact they’re committing a crime.”


  The violence done to Mr. Li by one protester who beat his head was vividly captured by a bystander in a video that has become an Internet phenomenon. The police in Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi Province, began a manhunt for the attacker and asked people around the country for help. Last week, the police announced that a man had been arrested. Xinhua, the state news agency, said the suspect could face the death penalty if convicted.

  鉴于中日之间有关钓鱼岛——日本称为尖阁诸岛(Senkaku)——的领土争端仍然在继续发酵,另一场外交冲突有可能引发更多的抗议和骚乱。在上个月的集会活动中,艺术界异见人士艾未未拍摄了一段视屏,视频显示北京美国大使馆外的抗议人群正在围攻美国大使骆家辉(Gary Locke)乘坐的车辆。许多人都将日本近期的购岛行动归咎于美国的阴谋。

  With the territorial conflict between Japan and China over the Diaoyu Islands — called the Senkaku by Japan — still simmering, another diplomatic flare-up could prompt more protests and riots. During the rallies last month, Ai Weiwei, the dissident artist, shot a video of protesters outside the American Embassy in Beijing attacking a sedan carrying Ambassador Gary Locke. Many Chinese have attributed the Japanese government’s recent purchase of the islands to an American conspiracy.


  In a sign of continuing hostility, Japanese automakers announced Tuesday that sales of Japanese-brand vehicles in China had dropped significantly in the last month.


  In Xi’an, a slogan on a billboard by the airport expressway says, “The Diaoyu Islands belong to China.”成都英语培训


  Today, there are barely any signs of the protests in central Xi’an. Witnesses said it took a few days for city workers to clean up a pool of Mr. Li’s blood, but the street is back to normal. People looking closely at cars, though, can see that there are now a large number of small Chinese flags affixed to them, in particular those of Japanese make.


  Mr. Li was driving home with his wife on Sept. 15 in a white Toyota Corolla after they had spent the morning looking at construction materials for their son’s new apartment, Ms. Wang said. Not far from the western gate of the ancient city wall, they encountered a crowd of protesters waving Chinese flags, chanting slogans and smashing cars.


  Protesters quickly encircled the Corolla and used batons, bricks and bicycle locks to smash the car with the couple inside.


  The two stepped out of the car to plead with the protesters to stop. Details of what happened next are murky, but the Internet video shows a heavyset man leaping at Mr. Li and delivering four blows to the back of his head with a bicycle lock. In the video, the sharp sound of metal whacking against skull can be heard above the din of the crowd. Ms. Wang screamed for help as she sat on the ground trying to stop the blood flowing out of her husband’s wound.


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